Feb. 18, 2020

Reflection: Beach Series 3

Reflection: Beach Series 3
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Reflection: Beach Series 3

This is the final episode of the beach series, the first covering the power of masterminds. If you haven’t started looking into getting into your own mastermind, you are missing a huge opportunity for your business. The second covered innovation in...

This is the final episode of the beach series, the first covering the power of masterminds. If you haven’t started looking into getting into your own mastermind, you are missing a huge opportunity for your business. The second covered innovation in the bookkeeping industry and making sure we are prepared and ready for the developments coming in the next six months.

[1:00] Reflection is crucial. Take the time to get away from the daily grind, turn off your electronic devices, and escape. The only tools that Ben takes with him when going into reflection time are a pad of paper and a pen.

[1:40] Go into your time of reflection with a single thing you want to think about. For Ben, his focus has been on how he can better serve bookkeeping professionals. Ben believes that if he focuses on that aspect of the business first, the profitability will fall into place.

[2:30] What is your vision for your business? Articulate it in several ways and then just sit back and think. Don’t worry about your thoughts wandering, just be aware of your focus and be disciplined in bringing it back to the thought exercise at hand.

[3:05] Taking a day away to reflect is very powerful and it will move the needle on your business, but the same exercise can also be used in other areas of your life. No matter when you choose to reflect, make sure you are in a distraction-free environment away from where you have your routine.

[3:50] Even taking just five minutes to reflect on the heavy stuff is very important. It leads to clarity and allows you to grow personally and professionally.

[4:05] Masterminds, innovation, and reflection are powerful tools that will put you ahead of the curve and reveal opportunities that you didn’t know existed.