Feb. 4, 2020

Masterminds: Beach Series 1

Masterminds: Beach Series 1
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Masterminds: Beach Series 1

Ben is part of a mastermind called the War Room put on by Digital Marketer and the information shared in the group is game changing. If you’re going to look for a mastermind for yourself (and you should), make sure you find one that gets together in...

Ben is part of a mastermind called the War Room put on by Digital Marketer and the information shared in the group is game changing. If you’re going to look for a mastermind for yourself (and you should), make sure you find one that gets together in a physical location away from your office. A digital-only mastermind is just not going to have the same impact. The power of a mastermind is the physical connection and being face to face with the right people.

[2:30] When searching for your mastermind, look for one that is not all bookkeepers or accountants. It’s important to have people from all different industries in the group because the problems you have in your business are shared with all industries and every person can provide very different perspectives.

[3:20] You can borrow and adopt what people in other industries are doing in their business and implement it in your own.

[4:00] The physical location is the secret sauce in the power of a mastermind group. In many ways, Ben’s business would not be where it is today if he had not joined his mastermind group.

[5:30] Masterminds will cost you money and time and energy, but they are an investment that will generate an incredible ROI for your business and your life.

[6:15] If you’re just getting started or don’t own a bookkeeping business yet, don’t worry about the mastermind right now. Focus on getting the foundation of your business established first and set a mastermind as a long term goal.